Which Type of Life Science Career Suits You?

Interested in working in the sciences? Jobs in life studies range from examining microscopic lifeforms to studying life in the stars. Which is right for you?

Looking for a career change? Even if you are fresh out of high school and looking for the lifelong career of your dreams, life sciences could be a good place to start. Are you good at biology, chemistry, or another life science? If so, learning how to practically apply those skills to create a viable career for yourself is the best way to land a job for life.

Let’s discuss what kind of jobs are included in the life sciences. This way you can narrow down your choices based on your interests.

What Jobs are there in Life Science?

When we hear the term “life sciences” we do tend to think of lab coats and stethoscopes. The truth is that life science jobs are all around us, and most of them are nowhere near a laboratory. There are physical jobs in life sciences, there are jobs spent at the bottom of the ocean or in the meteorologists office. This is an area of academia which incorporates thousands upon thousands of roles.

Traditional Life Science Jobs

There are traditional life science jobs which include things that focus on our health. Some examples of traditional life science jobs might be:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Lab technicians
  • Research scientists
  • Specialist medical professionals

Non-Traditional Life Science Jobs

By non-traditional life science jobs, we mean those which don’t immediately spring to mind when you picture this area of study. Some non-traditional life science jobs include:

  • Clinical Data Manager
  • PE Teacher
  • Physical Therapists
  • Meteorologists
  • NASA scientists
  • Healthcare sales reps
  • Botanists
  • Geneticists

If your chosen career is any of these, then you still work closely with life sciences without donning the stethoscope.

Where to Find Jobs in Life Sciences

If you like the sound of the above and you are already qualified to work in life sciences, then you have a head start. You can browse for life science jobs at Hays to start tracking down your dream career. You can also study up on the sciences through online courses or through returning to college or university.

Which Life Science Career is Right For You?

Ask yourself some questions to determine what life science career is best for you. Start with your personality: do you work well with others? Do you work well with the public? Do you want to care for people? If the answer to all three is yes, then consider a career in healthcare. The hours are long, but the work is rewarding and, if you go into the private sector, can be extremely well paid.

If you prefer studying the stars or the depths of the oceans, then choose a career focused on these areas of life. You can specialise in everything from microorganisms all the way up to stellar giants. Life Scientists explore jungles for new species, or venture to the last frontiers of humankind to see what is out there. If you want a job that excites you, choose a role documenting wildlife or searching the stars. Life sciences has something for everyone. All you must do is find it.

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